Sunday, 14 May 2017

Independent Birmingham Festival 2017

They say the average person eats 6,000 calories on Xmas day and it's very tempting to try and match that consumption on feast days such as Independent Birmingham's Festival. It's frustrating you can't try everything! First up I have to say what a triumph this was for founder Joe Schuppler. Since 2013 Joe has highlighted the best of Birmingham's independent outlets and now has 16,000 cardholders and 25,000 Facebook likes. Here's just a few highlights from day.

Chocolate Quarter
 The Chocolate Quarter are based in the Jewellery Quarter on Spencer Street and are known for innovation, amazing flavours and delicious truffles such as the peach bellini special created for last year's Pride Festival.
These fab hot chocolates come with a little test tube full of tasty flavourings for you to add to your own level of perfection.

 Kimchi and Coconut
Kimchi and Coconut really impressed me with these original designs laser cut by computer then hand painted. A big hit on instagram, the designs are going down a storm in Australia with hundreds of pieces recently shipped over.
"Put 'em up, put 'em up! Which one of you first? I'll fight you both together if you want. I'll fight you with one hand tied behind my back!"
 Check out the cute sloths hanging out with David Attenborough who looks really well for his age.

Buddha Belly
 Buddha Belly lived up to their awesome reputation and their curries went down a storm.
This was the best fishcake I've ever had. it had ten times the flavour of a normal one.

 The Church
 Soul food legends The Church tempted many with their boudin sausage dogs and cajun grilled pork.

Peel and Stone
 Peel and Stone were quite simply one of my best finds of the day. I tried the pistachio bun and was blown away by it. With blueberry scones, blondie cakes, rocky road and those quality sourdough breads this is not a stall to leave empty handed from.

Jam vs Custard
JamVsCustard's doughnuts were so good they completely sold out in no time.
 Catch them at the British Oak Farmers Market on 20th May.

Pin Game
 Pin Game deserve a special shout out for pulling out the stops to get ready 2,000 of these precious beauties so all us lucky visitors have bragging rights about attending this sold out event.
With cult influences and quality products, Pin Game deserve their success.

Brumhaus art is inspired by Bauhaus, Picasso and Paul Klee. I really loved the skyline cushion.
 Apologies for the blurry photo but this is a super kwl shopping bag.

 El Borracho De Oro are riding an enormous wave of popularity. Now into their second month of residency at 1000 Trades the word of mouth for their exceptional tapas creates queues everywhere.

Forgive me for waffling on about these desserts by Bournville Waffle Company but the menu is irresistible. Forget your diet in style!

One orange, passionfruit and guava tropical ale by Clink Beer sold to the man with the magnificent beard!
 Low 'n' slow quite simply had the biggest queues of the day despite not having their famous ribs in stock.

I declare the inaugural Independent Birmingham Festival a smash hit!

Words and photos by Paul Clarke

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